Is Technology Scary?

21 09 2012

What makes you think “The Cloud” or even using technology is not for you? Are you fed up with your current IT solution? Do you spend more time trying to understand the geeks than they are worth? Do you have to rush into the office at night to finish emailing quotes? These are all really normal problems to have. The great thing is, they can all be solved over time by migrating your operations and admin to the cloud. Starting to use your Gmail instead of outlook is a really good step. Gradually becoming used to saving documents into dropbox instead of on your computer screen. Changing some passwords to something you can remember but harder to guess so you have less security concerns.

The thing about technology is it does change all the time, even I can’t keep up with all the millions of apps out there. That is ok, you don’t need to know it all! Take what you do know, make that work for you and if there is anything else you should know thats where these updates might come in handy.

Going online is like stepping into a whole new world that looks different every minute, but it does’t need to be scary. There are things you probably already know about or have heard of, these are simple and you can learn to use them over time. Applications such as Gmail, Dropbox and Facebook.

This is just like any other transition, you figure out what you need and find out what fits those needs. If you need email anywhere anytime you get onto Gmail. If you need to boost your public profile and awareness you start using Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest or WordPress depending on what type of business you have. If you need online storage you can use something like Dropbox, or you can hire a server somewhere.

You can probably already think of 10 different things you need for your business. This is great! There are millions of applications out there and most likely there will be something that will help you. We have a series of applications we recommend because we know them and we have tested them. Of course we hear about more and more everyday so we update our clients when we know they would benefit.

Eventually you will find a suite of apps that suit you perfectly and you won’t be tied to your office. You will be spending less money. You will not have to decipher IT speak. You will not need much more than a smart phone, tablet or laptop with an internet connection to run your business.

Any period of change can seem difficult but it is really worth it!




2 responses

21 09 2012

Great post. The unfortunate thing is that the people who need to read it are probably not… because technology and things like blogs scare them..

21 09 2012

thank you very much! So true, which is why I am also going to write a book. Eventually I might be able to help people be less scared… I have helped a lot of people get online already so next step is the rest of the world I guess 🙂

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